Becky Miles ,new West Coast Women’s Golf Assoc.President, called a short meeting to order at Avila Country Club , June1 st ,2015. Sisi Hedges, Nina Rose Hatfield,Pat Rogers, Vivian Herklotz, Jenni Marshall, and Nola Raitz were all in attendance .
The first order of business that was discussed was increasing the maximum index to stay in West Coast . This was brought to her attention by other West Coast members. The President suggested possibly 17.6 to raise it and maintain maximum at 20.6 for a month to stay in West Coast. Vivian Herklotz felt not necessary as the West Coast League should remain the same , as she felt it motivated her to work on her game , and others should do the same as well to stay in West Coast. Sisi Hedges felt if we raise it too much it could cause others with higher handicaps to create a longer round of golf. After much discussion Sisi Hedges made a motion to keep index at 16.6 to join and raise the maximum to 21, from 20.6 and Nina Rose Hatfield seconded the motion . The maximum index now is 21.0 to stay in West Coast.
Sisi Hedges hosting the upcoming couples and Member/Member event at Eaglebrook, thought she would also move the tees forward for the “D” flight to speed up play . That was discussed by Becky Miles to take a look at that possibly for the “D”flight in the regular West Coast events.
Tara and River Wilderness Golf Clubs would like to host a West Coast event, which they will put on the schedule for this year. Nina Rose Hatfield suggested pre-scheduling the clubs in West Coast a date to host on the regular West Coast calendar to insure that all the clubs are participating . However the special tournaments like Brassies or the Couples events , or Championships, she will schedule those according to the Clubs who would like to host those special tournaments . The President said it was mentioned by Sue Rooney maybe best to have a Brassie’s every other year . But after discussion since the East Coast League will be hosting the next event it was decided to wait til this is completed and then re-evaluate the Brassie’s scheduling at that time.
Vivian Herklotz and Jenni Marshall will be hosting and scheduling a Member/Member event. They also brought up the topic of hosting such an event possibly TPC of Tampa at a different club , that could be a great course but a golf club that’s not already represented by West Coast. This was discussed and decided this would not be a problem, as this is considered a “special” event.
The President , Becky Miles also brought up the topic of other members possibly wanting to join the club of Rocky Point. However this club is not recognized officially in the West Coast League. Members from that club would not be able to join in that manner . Becky Miles is a member and President of West Coast from Rocky Point Golf Club , however she is properly grandfathered in , so is not held to that particular by-law.
Nina Rose Hatfield mentioned some of the clubs only have 1-2 members representing their club , but due to members aging this seems to be normal in West Coast . Also discussed West Coast members being members of their own club’s LGA and pay dues . Sisi
Hedges said she feels it’s very important for the West Coast members to be members of their own LGA and pay dues , as this way they are supporting their own club as well. This is what the members presently do.
The President , Becky Miles thought we have a lot of new Reps this year , she thought it would be nice and beneficial to get everyone together and go over all the duties that are required as a rep . She would make it a fun event at Rocky Point by hosting a 9 hole golf tournament to be included. She was looking at the month of July to schedule this. The meeting was adjourned by the President and seconded by Pat Rogers.
Secretary , Nola Raitz.